Phil Yff Author
A Writer in Search of an Agent or Publisher
Hello and welcome to my website. I have been crafting poetry and prose since I was seven years old. Fast forward 60 years. Now retired, I want to share my compositions with a wider audience. I’m looking forward to showcasing my verse & narratives as I build this site. At present, the offerings here are meager, but I will work diligently to transfer meaningful content as fast as I can.
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About the Author
I'm a retired Marine. I was in the Corps for over 30 years. Its motto resonates with me; Semper Fidelis—Always Faithful. It begins with being true to oneself; following one's conscience; doing the rigtht thing.
I live in historic Athens, Alabama with my wife, Debbie. She is a quilter. I do not have her practical skills & try to keep pace with her artistically by piecing together scraps of speculative fiction into patchworks of possible futures.
Madrigals Macabre
July 25, 2019
I’ve dreamed of putting together a collection of Madrigals Macabre since I read Roger Zelazny’s A Rose for Ecclesiastes on Christmas Day, 1963. Although I’ve been writing the poems for almost half a century, something was missing. I figured out what it was—a framing short story. It is now included & my book's ready to be published.
"Works of art make rules; rules do not make works of art"